Thursday, June 23, 2011


Hi my dear friends!

Just a quick update for now. Pictures have to wait!

As many of you know I'm in Copenhagen... but only for a short vacation and to check out our apartment. I'm moving all my stuff from Norway July 1st! (I managed to get most of my things with me from USA!(5 large suitcases)!!!

Our apartment is so cosy and nice, but it is missing some care and furniture. We have all the essentials we need (bed, sofa, coffee table, kitchen table, chairs and so on), but we need some more closets for my shoes and clothes. I am tired of living in a sofa, and so excited about getting all my stuff here! Luckily I have the best dad in the world, who is going to drive me and all my stuff over. It takes about 8 hours!

Yesterday Mr. Copenhagen and I bought our first furniture together for our apartment!!! It is a lovely white chest of drawers/commode with loads of colors from! It was reduced from 4449DKK to 2500DKK (around $450) - what a bargain! We have been looking at it for a year and I must say it was worth the wait! I'll upload some pictures later, right now our apartment is a bit unorganized...

Anyway, just wanted to say that I am fine and I hope that you are as well!! I'll try to update a bit more often!

Ohhh and if you didn't know: I have now a MASTER IN PRINT MEDIA (minor concentration: international marketing and management)!!!!

See you soon!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I'm sorry I kinda forgot about you...

So, I kinda forgot about my blog for a while, but I promise to update it more often. I also promise to cut down on the writing and replace it with some pictures instead, because I've got a new camera!!! Yes, before I went to Colombia I bought myself a new camera. Yes, I went to Colombia in November to visit my friends, Paola and Gustavo!  I had a great time fulfilled with para-gliding, delicious food, some shopping and sightseeing.  Thank you my wonderful friends and family, I had a great time!


For Christmas I went home to Mr. Copenhagen place first and then home to my parents to celebrate Christmas. I had an amazing time with my nearest family and was very happy that Mr. Copenhagen came on the 27th to join me and my family for New Years Eve. At the beginning of January we both went back to his place in Copenhagen. We went to the Royal Theater to see Serenade and to his caring and loving family for some belated christmas celebrations and later a family birthday. Now, I'm back in Rochester again, and tomorrow I'll give you another update of what is going on here.

Bye for now dear friends and take care!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy Days

This week is going into my memories as one of the most positive and happy weeks I have had in a long time and I am so excited!

First, after some long weeks with my thesis adviser to complete my thesis proposal, I was ready to defend it and it got APPROVED on Thursday November 4th. So now I can start the data collection process. For those who don't know what I am doing my thesis on, here's a short description: I'm investigating the usage of personalized print in Europe from a printers perspective. I am very excited about my thesis and have huge expectation for it to be a great thesis.

The second happening that made this week into the top ten was a visit from a very important person in my life. He came on Saturday and are staying until November 18th. It is so great to have him here and he lightens up my days by just being around me. After 2,5 months of communications via Skype it is nice to finally see and be with him again. The fact that he is here until November 18th just makes it even better.

Now, until the third and fourth thing that made this week great: I have no more finals at RIT! I finished my final in Product and Brand Management yesterday, and that's it! Only a presentation on how marketers should use Web 2.0 upcoming Tuesday and then I am done with classes. Now my total focus will towards my thesis. And fourth: I got my driving license today!! Yayy I know have a NYS license!

Well, that's the short update for now! Hope you all are well and take care!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Architectual Heaven and networking

Buildings in all different shapes, formats, heights, lengths and styles blended my eyes with their beauty and uniqueness in Chicago. I was very impressed and want to go back for more. But the buildings wasn't the reason I went to Chicago, they were only a big bonus. I went there to attend Graph Expo 2010. The expo was a great experience. I managed to get in contact with a lot of people in the industry and also create an interest about my thesis. I am planning to move back to Scandinavia when I am done here in Rochester, and therefore it is extra important for me to create a good network here in the States so my research can get published here as well.

Speaking about my research, or thesis if you want, I am making a lot of progress. My Thesis Proposal defense will be on November 4th and I can't wait. Right now I am busy editing my thesis proposal, and by Monday it will be ready for distribution to my committee.  A part from thesis I am working for Dr. Cummings as a research assistant and designer. Today, I am also attending the OPL general meeting and hopefully I will be able to help them with some design work this year as well.

The summer is moving away here in Rochester and Mr. Autumn are definitely back, but that's not negative, because with Mr. Autumn comes Halloween and soon Thanksgiving and along with Halloween comes Haunted Hay Ride's, Corn Maze's and Costume Parties! I will give you an update on the events by the end of this month.

For now, enjoy my images from Chicago!

 Me and Jade as Architecture Tourists

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Back in Rochester!

Can't believe I haven't blogged since May! I am so sorry, but here's a quick update:
Before I left USA for the summer Søren had his graduation, I met his parents, we went on a wine tour (Delicious!) and I finished my proposal draft.

I left the states at June 12th. My dad and my brothers met me at the airport and it was so great to see them again. It was especially good to see my dad again and that he was in great shape and healthy. (He had an heart operation in February/March). My parents arranged a Welcome Back party for me and my brother and we had a lot of fun! 10 days later I went to Denmark to see Søren again and ended up staying there for over a month, then back to Norway again to go hiking in the mountains with my mum and stay at our cabin.

The view from Gaustadtoppen
On our 8 hour hiking trip to get cloud-berries (multer)

Another highlight this summer was seeing Jean-Michel Jarre and Röksopp preform at Akershus Festning! I loved the laser show and fireworks! 

Now, after 3 months of vacation I am back here in Rochester. This fall I only have one course; Product and Brand Management and so far I am loving it! I also are working on my thesis and plan to finish my literature review, send out my survey before I go back home for Christmas.  I also go twice a week to pilates and spinning, I have started swimming again and try to go out for a run a couple of times a week. I am also going to visit lovely Paola and wonderful Gustavo in Colombia in November! Yayy!! 

Have a nice Sunday everyone!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Gratulerer med dagen Norge!!!

May 17th 1814 Norway got it's own constitution and to this day this is one of my favorite days in the year! Kids and adults celebrating, eating ice-cream and just having fun! I MISS IT!

So here I am, in the lounge at my school studying for my exam tomorrow, not a perfect celebreation day, but I made a Norwegian smoothie with blueberries, strawberries and natural youghurt! Red, White and Blue, like the Norwegian flag!!

Norway, family and friends: I miss you!!! See you in a month!!! Hopefully I can wear my national dress this summer!!! 

My happy and wonderful family! Savner dere!! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

CIAS @ ImagineRIT

To all of you who want to know a bit more about what is going on at my college during Imagine RIT!

See this video by Frank Cost